Friday, February 24, 2012

RECIPE: Pumpkin Coconut and ... Spinach Smoothie?

I have to admit I was skeptical about adding such things as spinach or avocado to smoothies. After all, I think of fruit, yogurt, milk, and ice as the main components of smoothies. Man, was I wrong! There are literally millions of options and combinations of ingredients for making smoothies! Here's one that sure to blow your mind, but trust me ... It's delicious!!
It's GREEN!!!
1 cup unsweetened Vanilla Coconut Milk
1/2 cup Vanilla Greek Yogurt (I just discovered ZOI brand, and I LOVE it!)
1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened Coconut
6 Ice Cubes
1 teaspoon Agave (not pictured)
2 - 4 cups organic Baby Spinach
1. Add all ingredients to blender - adding spinach last. The amount of spinach used will vary on how tightly you add it. 
2. Blend until smooth and creamy. (Yes, it will turn BRIGHT GREEN!!)

 3. Pour. Serve. Enjoy!

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